

Explore the most powerful, all-in-one ChatGPT copilot for the web.

Check HIX.AI Chrome Extension
Google Doc

Type // to enjoy our AI assistance as you write on Google Docs.


Type // craft compelling emails and personalized replies.


Explore a more powerful Bing sidebar alternative for Chrome.

Search Engine

Find HIX.AI's comprehensive responses among typical search results.

Quick Lookup Bar

Select any text online to translate, rewrite, summarize, etc.

Social Media

Type // to compose concise yet powerful Twitter posts that trend.


Type // to create engaging captions for your Instagram posts.


Type // to draft interactive Facebook posts that engage your community.


Type // to provide valuable, upvoted answers on Quora.


Type // to craft Reddit posts that resonate with specific communities.


Summarize long YouTube videos with one click.

BrowserGPT > Google Docs
BrowserGPT for Google Docs

BrowserGPT for Google Docs

Type // to create content 10x faster in Google Docs.

Welcome to the future of writing

Welcome to the Future of Writing.

Forget the old way of crafting content in Google Docs. Thanks to the BrowserGPT, you can simply type // in Google Docs to activate our AI-powered tool.

Brainstorm, outline, write, and edit 10x faster, just like in Notion AI! Join the new, smarter era of lightning-fast content creation!

Next-Gen Writing Experience in Google Docs

BrowserGPT enhances Google Docs with 3 unique writing modes: AI Mode, Chat Mode, and Power Mode, revolutionizing content creation for everyone.

AI Mode

Type // to Enjoy Immediate Writing Assistance

Got writer's block while working in Google Docs? Just type // and our quick lookup bar will smoothly step in to assist you. Whether you need to write content from scratch or draw on some inspiration, we've got you covered.

  • Get numerous creative ideas instantly, helping you kickstart the writing process.

  • Experience a smooth writing journey as the AI suggests sentences to extend your existing content.

  • Craft blog posts, social media posts, sales emails, and more from scratch in seconds.

  • Prompt our AI tool with any requirements and see the magic happen.

Chat Mode

Chat with Our AI Chatbot, the Ultimate Partner for Writing

Effortlessly engage in interactive conversations with our AI chatbot, HIX Chat, in our Chat Mode. As your personal assistant, it can contribute significantly to your writing process, right within Google Docs.

  • Ask for inspiration to overcome writer's block,

  • Get guidance to improve grammar, readability, structure, and coherence;

  • Request phrasing your sentences or ideas;

  • Or ask any other questions you may have!

Power Mode

Empower Your Content Creation with Our Diverse Set of AI Tools

Take advantage of our 120+ AI writing tools and templates in Power Mode, all expertly designed to help you craft a wide range of content and bring out the best in your work.

Set Up in a Snap

To access BrowserGPT within Google Docs, simply:

  • 1

    Install BrowserGPT. Access AI Mode, Chat Mode, or Power Mode directly from the top of Google Docs.

  • 2

    In the AI Mode, type // to bring out a quick lookup bar for smooth content assistance.

  • 3

    In the Chat Mode, ask AI to carry out just any task you need.

  • 4

    In the Power Mode, choose from over 120 writing tools to generate diverse types of content.

Reveal All Possibilities With BrowserGPT

Discover the unlimited potential of BrowserGPT across various platforms.

Explore Our All-in-One Extension

Enjoy Premium AI at Budget-Friendly Prices

  • BrowserGPT Basic
    $ 7.99 USD/month
    10,000 words
    • Quick Lookup Bar
    • Chat with PDF
    • Chat with Webpage
    • YouTube Summarizer
    • AI Support on Gmail, Google Docs & Social Media
    • Convenient Sidebar
    • AI ChatBot
    • 120+ AI Writing Tools
    • 30+ Languages
  • Save 43%
    BrowserGPT Unlimited
    $ 39.99 USD/month
    Unlimited words/month
    Everything in Pro, plus
    • Unlimited Words for AI Writing Tools
    • Unlimited AI Chat Words
    • Unlimited Words for Quick Lookup
    • Unlimited Words for Sidebar
    • Unlimited Words for Gmail Extension
    • Unlimited Words for Google Docs Extension
    • Unlimited Words for Social Media Extension
    • Unlimited Words for YouTube Summarizer
  • BrowserGPT Pro
    $ 11.99 USD/month
    50,000 words
    • Quick Lookup Bar
    • Chat with PDF
    • Chat with Webpage
    • YouTube Summarizer
    • AI Support on Gmail, Google Docs & Social Media
    • Convenient Sidebar
    • AI ChatBot
    • 120+ AI Writing Tools
    • 30+ Languages

Why BrowserGPT?

🧰 Google Docs + BrowserGPTImprove your writing experience
🔧 120 AI Writing ToolsOvercome writer's block
🤖 Robust AlgorithmsCraft unique, SEO-friendly content
🌎 100+ Languages SupportedWrite in any language

Install BrowserGPT for Google Docs Now

With BrowserGPT for Google Docs, you can type // to create content faster and smarter than ever before.