

Explore the most powerful, all-in-one ChatGPT copilot for the web.

Check HIX.AI Chrome Extension
Google Doc

Type // to enjoy our AI assistance as you write on Google Docs.


Type // craft compelling emails and personalized replies.


Explore a more powerful Bing sidebar alternative for Chrome.

Search Engine

Find HIX.AI's comprehensive responses among typical search results.

Quick Lookup Bar

Select any text online to translate, rewrite, summarize, etc.

Social Media

Type // to compose concise yet powerful Twitter posts that trend.


Type // to create engaging captions for your Instagram posts.


Type // to draft interactive Facebook posts that engage your community.


Type // to provide valuable, upvoted answers on Quora.


Type // to craft Reddit posts that resonate with specific communities.


Summarize long YouTube videos with one click.

BrowserGPT > BrowserGPT Sidebar

BrowserGPT Sidebar

Type // to Enhance Your Web Browsing Experience with a Handy Bing Sidebar Alternative

BrowserGPT Sidebar: An AI Copilot Always Nearby

The Bing AI Sidebar looks really cool, doesn't it? However, it's only compatible with Edge. If you're a Chrome user looking for similar functionality, you might be wondering what your options are. That's where the BrowserGPT sidebar comes in.

Our smart sidebar provides a Bing sidebar-like experience, but works on Chrome and other browsers. You'll be able to enjoy our HIX Chat, a more powerful ChatGPT alternative, as well as 120+ writing assistants directly in your browser.

<span class='text-[#00D3B6]'>Instantly Accessible</span> Anywhere

Instantly Accessible Anywhere

  • Works on any webpage you open with your browser

  • Invokable by clicking the sidebar icon or pressing Ctrl/Cmd + P

  • Offers instant writing or research help on all major social media, search engines, and email services

Chatbot <span class='text-[#00D3B6]'>Smarter Than ChatGPT</span>

Chatbot Smarter Than ChatGPT

  • Answer questions or explain complex ideas in any field

  • Know the latest trend and provide answers with accurate and updated information

  • Generate stunning visuals following your instructions

<span class='text-[#00D3B6]'>Robust</span> AI Writing Tools

Robust AI Writing Tools

  • Rewrite, paraphrase, summarize, expand and much more

  • Write quality content perfect for your website, ads, emails or product descriptions

  • Help compose Tweets, Facebook posts, Instagram captions, Reddit posts, Quora answers, and so on

  • Plenty of customization options, including tones of voice, target audiences and languages

More Versatile Bing Sidebar Alternative

See how BrowserGPT Sidebar outperforms Bing Sidebar for Edge as your browser copilot.

BrowserGPTBing Sidebar
Compatible BrowsersGoogle Chrome, the new Microsoft EdgeEdge only
Language ModelGPT-3.5/4GPT-4
Chat LimitNo limit on turns20 turns per conversation and up to 200 turns per day
AI Writing Templates120+4
Supported Writing Languages30+Only English
Social Media Writing Support1-
Email Writing Support2-
Search Engine Enhancement3Only on Bing
Google Docs Edit Support4-
Assistance on Text Selection5-

1. BrowserGPT comes with features of writing posts and comments on social media, invokable by typing //. We can generate engaging content, expressive emojis and hashtags that can boost visibility. Our supported social media platforms include Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Quora, Reddit and YouTube.

2. BrowserGPT can assist you in crafting effective emails with captivating subject lines, personalized and relevant content, and appropriate tones. It works on services like Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo Mail, and you can access it by typing // when composing emails on those platforms.

3. BrowserGPT can enhance your search engine experience by offering instant, accurate and updated answers to your search queries. Our supported search engines include Google, Yahoo Search, DuckDuckGo, Yandex, Naver and Baidu.

4. BrowserGPT can optimize your Google Docs editing experience and make it like editing in Notion AI. Just start BrowserGPT on Google Docs by typing //, and you should instantly access our 120+ AI-driven writing tools.

5. When selecting any text on a web page, our Quick Lookup toolbar will show up and enable you to start an AI chat about the text, or to edit it with a series of our AI writing tools.

How to Use BrowserGPT Sidebar

Setting up and using our handy sidebar take only 3 simple steps:

  • 1

    Install BrowserGPT on your browser.

  • 2

    Click the BrowserGPT icon at the side or upper right corner of your browser, or press Ctrl/Cmd and P to bring up the sidebar.

  • 3

    Select Write or Chat at the top of the sidebar, and choose the tool you need or start a chat.

Enjoy Premium AI at Budget-Friendly Prices

  • BrowserGPT Basic
    $ 7.99 USD/month
    10,000 words
    • Quick Lookup Bar
    • Chat with PDF
    • Chat with Webpage
    • YouTube Summarizer
    • AI Support on Gmail, Google Docs & Social Media
    • Convenient Sidebar
    • AI ChatBot
    • 120+ AI Writing Tools
    • 30+ Languages
  • Save 43%
    BrowserGPT Unlimited
    $ 39.99 USD/month
    Unlimited words/month
    Everything in Pro, plus
    • Unlimited Words for AI Writing Tools
    • Unlimited AI Chat Words
    • Unlimited Words for Quick Lookup
    • Unlimited Words for Sidebar
    • Unlimited Words for Gmail Extension
    • Unlimited Words for Google Docs Extension
    • Unlimited Words for Social Media Extension
    • Unlimited Words for YouTube Summarizer
  • BrowserGPT Pro
    $ 11.99 USD/month
    50,000 words
    • Quick Lookup Bar
    • Chat with PDF
    • Chat with Webpage
    • YouTube Summarizer
    • AI Support on Gmail, Google Docs & Social Media
    • Convenient Sidebar
    • AI ChatBot
    • 120+ AI Writing Tools
    • 30+ Languages

Why Choose BrowserGPT Sidebar

🚀 Powerful AI copilotBing sidebar alternative for Chrome
🌐 Works everywhereSocial media, search engines, emails
🤖 Powerful chatbotSmarter alternative to ChatGPT
✍️ Versatile writing toolsFurther enhance your writing

Reveal All Possibilities with BrowserGPT

Discover the unlimited potential of BrowserGPT across various platforms.

Explore Our All-in-One Extension

Try Our AI-Powered Web Copilot Today

Supercharge your browser with BrowserGPT Sidebar, the best alternative to Bing sidebar! Get an intelligent chatbot, and instant help in your writing, posting and research through BrowserGPT's sidebar.